Top quality outdoor sports gear for every occasion. Find the best clothing, footwear and accessories for your next challenge at Iglu Šport.
Everything for trekking, mountaineering, climbing and camping
New achievements often start with new professional gear. Whether you are getting ready for hiking across beautiful Slovenia, climbing new mountain peaks, exciting alpine touring or relaxed camping, visit Iglu Šport for the best equipment for all outdoor sports. The store at Supernova Ljubljana Rudnik shopping centre has a great selection of top-quality women’s, men’s and kids’ active clothing and footwear collections for mountaineering, hiking, climbing and alpine trekking. Anoraks, soft-shell jackets, hiking pants, warm underwear and functional clothes from popular brands are perfect for an active lifestyle and fit in every hiking backpack.
The offer at Iglu Šport also includes the best sport gear for your next alpine trail, such as crampons, ice axes, skis, compasses and other orientation devices, climbing gear, safety helmets, bags and more accessories for the active. Going camping? There are amazing and comfortable tents, sleeping bags, foldable furniture and everything for a perfect camping experience. At your favourite lake or high above the clouds – Iglu Šport has got you covered.
Iglu Šport offers high-quality equipment for your outdoor feats
Iglu Šport is the leading provider of outdoor sports gear in Slovenia, offering the widest selection of trekking, hiking, mountaineering, alpine climbing and camping equipment, and also top-quality skis and accessories for alpine touring. At Iglu Šport stores you will always find top sports gear brands like Mammut, La Sportiva, Ortovox, Camp, Karibu, Millet and more. The main advantage of Iglu Šport stores is professional advice you get while shopping. The helpful and competent staff at all Iglu Šport stores will give you the right advice when, for example, choosing hiking boots or equipment for your next adventure. When in doubt, do not hesitate to ask. With great advice the staff also contributes to higher safety and caution on your mountain hikes and exploration.
Iglu Šport stores are available at 15 locations across Slovenia. At selected Iglu Šport stores you can also rent all kinds of sports gear, like for example ice axes, crampons, climbing belts or touring skis.