CCC | Ljubljana-Rudnik | Supernova

The latest trends, a wide selection and affordable shopping - all in one place, created for you!


Opening hours
Monday 09.00 - 21.00
Tuesday 09.00 - 21.00
Wednesday 09.00 - 21.00
Thursday 09.00 - 21.00
Friday 09.00 - 21.00
Saturday 08.00 - 21.00
Sunday Closed
Jurčkova cesta 223
1000 Ljubljana
Cash, Credit Card, Supernova Gift Card
Jurčkova cesta 223
1000 Ljubljana
Cash, Credit Card, Supernova Gift Card

In CCC store you always find a perfect pair

At CCC, fashion becomes accessible to everyone - we combine attractive prices, the latest trends and a wide selection to suit every style. Whether you're looking for shoes, bags or fashion accessories, you'll find everything you need for the perfect outfit, tailored to every moment.

CCC brands

Discover the latest collections from top fashion brands such as Nine West New York, Juicy Couture, Hunter, Beverly Hills Polo Club and G-STAR, as well as our exclusive lines Gino Rossi, Lasocki, Badura, Jenny, Sprandi and DeeZee.

For sports fans, there are iconic brands such as Reebok, Kappa, adidas, Puma, Champion, Vans, New Balance, DC and SHAQ . For the youngest, there are popular Disney and Marvel heroes in the form of trendy footwear and accessories.

At CCC, style never goes out of style – discover it and be one step ahead of the crowd!

Find your favorites in CCC stores and online.

Reebok kolekcija v CCC
14. March 2025

Reebok x CCC – za tiste, ki igrajo po svojih pravilih!
Kolekcija Reebok v CCC prinaša popolno kombinacijo športnega in uličnega stila. Izbiraj med vpadljivimi in subtilnimi modeli - vedno s pridihom samozavesti!

Novi športni modeli so prispeli v CCC!
25. February 2025

Reebok, Kappa, adidas, Puma, DC in Vans – vse, kar potrebuješ za udobje in stil v gibanju.

Nova sezona je popolna priložnost za osvežitev garderobe in osredotočanje na slog, poln značaja in največjega udobja. CCC te vabi, da odkriješ nove artikle, med katerimi še posebej izstopajo športni modeli znamke Reebok. Ljubitelji vsakodnevnega udobja prav tako ne bodo razočarani – nova ponudba vključuje tudi predloge znamk, kot so Kappa,AR7adidas, Puma, DC in Vans. Trening, nakupovanje ali morda sprehod v ritmu živahnega mesta? 

Med temi novostmi boš našel udobne artikle, ki bodo sledili tvojemu tempu v vseh vsakodnevnih aktivnostih!